OrganicBazar started from a simple thought – why not grow our own fresh and organic vegetables at home? This idea came from our struggle to find such healthy food in our local shops. As we continued on this journey, we saw that the problems we faced were not just ours, but shared by many others. With a dream to turn these problems into chances for all who want to garden, OrganicBazar was born.

Who We Are

We are more than just a shop for gardening items. We are a team that learned gardening from scratch. We turned our terrace into a lovely garden. We started a YouTube channel called 'Terrace & Gardening,' to share what we learned. And we created OrganicBazar, a place where you can find good quality gardening items.

Our Vision

We want to help everyone grow their own healthy, chemical-free food. We believe in the happiness of watching a seed grow into a plant and eating food that you have grown yourself. Our dream is a future where every home has a garden. In this future, the seeds we plant today grow into a healthier, happier life.

Our Mission

Our aim at OrganicBazar is to help you in your journey of gardening. We want to give you the best quality gardening items. We also want to guide you and give you the information you need to start and take care of your garden. We have spent a lot of time making sure our products are the best because we understand what it feels like to start something new. And we know how important it is to have the right things and information for this journey.

Learn with Us

Subscribe to our Youtube Channel and become a PRO in urban gardening.